Wednesday, 10 February 2016

A Defenceless Creature

A Defenceless Creature
by Anton Chekhov

The “Defenceless creature” by Anton Chekhov is a primary literature, because it has a high level of detail and may be published in little time.
Our story takes places in a bank in a normal working day, the story is about two workers (kistunov, and Alexey) and an old lady who is asking for  money (Madame Shtchukin). The deal is that Madame Shtchukin is asking to kistunov (which is not his job to give her that money) for the money of her husband who is ill, clarifying that she is just a defenceless creature, an ill woman, and a persistent person, who stays hours waiting and insists saying she need the money, something way too evident for kistunov, who end up paying the money the woman was asking and maybe does not deserve. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your job, please check the following sentences: "asking for a money", may be publish", "who stay" "and reply" "something way too clear for kistunov"
