Saturday, 25 June 2016

A True Story, Repeated Word for Word As I Heard It- Mark twain

"She was a cheerful, hearty soul, and it was no more trouble for her to laugh than it is for a bird to sing."

Saturday, 18 June 2016

One Autumn Night- Maxim Gorky

"In our present state of culture hunger of the mind is more quickly satisfied than hunger of the body."

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Selfish unconsciously

Sometimes we ask for things for selfish reasons, because we think that is going to be beneficial but we ask it blindly and this end up
being a mess and brings with it serious consequences (Most of the times) and even though we see cases like these ones daily, we don’t realize it because we live in them.
This tale called Christmas every day Written by William Dean Howells shows us two of these examples. The tale is divided into two parts. The first one is where the second part is told. The second part is a tale inside the tale.
In the first part the little girl came into her papa’s study and ask him for a tale, he tried to beg off for he was too busy but the little girl did not let him. This is the first example; this is one of those which are not that bad, because it does not have serious consequences.
In the second part (This is the tale papa told his daughter) a little girl who enjoy Christmas a lot, beg the Christmas fairy to make Christmas every day and she did it, things went out of control, there were no trees, no money except of the owners of the stores, food was so expensive, etc. This is the second example; this one has a serious consequence and it means a strong loss.
The little girl in this second example asked for something that at the beginning seemed to be good, but it end up being a catastrophe. This is a really strong example of what is said at the beginning, because as she thought she love Christmas everyone else would do and because she did not think about what would happened, she was completely blind by the pleasure that she just affect everyone in the world without think about consequences.
This selfishness is all around the world and had been the causative of many bad things that had happened in the history. There is something called Psychological egoism which is the view that humans are always motivated by self-interest. (Coincidence? I do think so). This means that selfishness is part of people since the young age regardless the nationality or the country of origin.
As a conclusion I may say that my hypothesis is right, we ask for things for selfish reasons, because we think that is going to be good, we ask it blindly and it end up being a wrong thing. Technically human beings are selfish unconsciously.
Sara Triana/Bogotá D.C/June, 2o16
Christmas Every day- William Dean Howells